Tech Pani puri: recover virus infected hidden files from pendrive or External hardrive

Saturday, October 24, 2015

recover virus infected hidden files from pendrive or External hardrive

Mostly pen drive doesn't consist any security measures. Since we use Pen drive in many PC/Laptops it very easily gets infected with viruses and malwares.

Today my Pen Drive is hit by a series of Trojan Virus, so I use Avast to clear the virus.After scan is completed I found the Flash Drive is completely empty with no data at all.But used disc space is showing a lot of data.

I found a easy way to recover all that hidden files:-

1. To be safe first Scan for viruses in your pendrive
2. After that open your command prompt
      start->Run->cmd or
      type “cmd” in windows search and enter

cmd search


3. Assuming ‘G:‘ as the letter of affected drive(use small letter), enter this command-

          attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*

Wait for few seconds and its done.. now you can check

Congratulation your Data is recovered

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